2022 Prospective Consumer Goods Sales Consulting Strategy Export Day (KBIZ DAY VIETNAM 2022) was one of the trade-promoting events organized by Korea Federation of SMEs (KBIZ) in Vietnam aiming at widely promoting typical products from Korea to Vietnamese consumers and corporations for spreading Korean exports and distribution.

42INT was in charge of construction of display booths and B2B matching. Launching in two days (September 29th and 30th), KBIZ DAY VIETNAM 2022 attracted nearly 60 Vietnamese corporations with a total of 170 meetings and 7 MOU between Korea sellers and Vietnamese buyers. This was the first step for establishing cooperative relationships of both parties.

42 INTERNATIONAL is honored to become a trusted partner of Korean organizers for trade promotion events (B2B Matching, MOU, Exhibition, etc.

42 INTERNATIONAL is confident of our PROFESSIONAL – CONSCIENTIOUS – QUALIFIED – CREDITABLE services and will always work for two sides as our core vision.